Treasure Map

enska ps erik gerši alltHi I“m going to tell you about my tresure island. My island was named bird island and on the bird island was many dangerous birds so now i,m gonna tell you how I mad this map. 

First the techer did make a group and i was with Ragnheišur, Stefįn, Valur and Alija.Next we diceded what the name was on the island and it was called Bird island. Then we draw and colour the island and on litlle paper then when where done working on a little paper we did it on a biger paper. Then when whe finish it we did make it look old. How we mate it look like old first we tear off a corner or two and both sides of the paper with the paper with the damp tea-bag. This project was very funny it was one of my favorite english project.Here to the left you can see my project.   

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